José dos Santos
7. dan JKA
José is one of the country's best Shotokan practitioners with many years of experience leading the Norwegian national team
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Anicken Cornell
5. dan JKA
Anicken is the club's head instructor. Anicken has a long history as a practitioner and instructor at Oslo Budo Kwai
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Pål Randby
2. dan JKA
Pål has trained in karate for many years, including at Oslo Budo Kwai. He is the first practitioner in BSK to have been graded to black belt as a member with us
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Norges kampsportsforbud - Trener 1
Astri Karoline Ellann
1. dan JKA
Nasjonale JKA lisenser:
Instruktørlisens nivå 1
Dommerlisens nivå 1
Espen Finnøy Bakke
1. kyu JKA
Nasjonale lisenser
Norges kampsportsforbud - Trener 1
Instruktørlisens nivå 1
Dommerlisens nivå 1
Nora Elise Wæthing
1. dan JKA
Started training karate in BSK's junior section at the age of 5 and is the youngest practitioner in the club to have graded to a black belt, which she achieved already at the age of 11.
Despite her young age, Nora Elise already holds several national championship titles in both Kumite and Kata, and she is already part of the JKA Norway national team.
Hermann Guldteig
1. dan JKA
National Team Athlete
Junior Instructor
Started training karate in BSK at a young age and is one of the youngest practitioners in the club to have graded to a black belt.
Hermann holds several national championship titles in both Kata and Kumite and is part of the JKA Norway team.
Mathias Namtvedt Hirst
1. kyu JKA
Nasjonale JKA lisenser:
Instruktørlisens nivå 1